Name: Edward Hart 147
Born: 20 Dec 1755
Place: Hopewell, NJ
Died: 5 Oct 1812
Place: Beverly, Randolph county (W)VA
Place: Beverly Cemetery
Y-Haplo: R1b-BY54949
Married: Oct 1777
Place: Hunterdon Co NJ
was a son of John Hart, Signer of the
Declaration of Independence. It's through Edward's wife, Nancy Ann Stout, that we have an entree into the royal
As per Edward's Revolutionary
pension records, he crossed the Delaware with Washington.
On page 182 of Hammond's biography of Edward's father, he says
There is no indication that Edward ever participated in or held any
political office. But he is remembered in history for an unusual reason: he
is credited with having established, in Beverly, the first public playground
in the United States.
Will of Edward Hart, 1812
A transcription of Edward Hart's will (Randolph county VA Will Book I
& II) is found on pages 44-45 of The Harts of Randolph. This
transcription was lifted from Historic Beverly,
I, Edward Hart, now of the County of Randolph, and State of Virginia, being in a low state of health, but of a sound mind and memory, and believing in the mortality of men, have considered it convenient and proper to make my last will and testament, in manner following: To wit-
Item: I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Nancy Hart, all my estate both real and personal, during her natural life, or as long as she remains a widow, but should my said wife Nancy see proper to marry, then in such case I will that. my said wife Nancy be entitled to only one-third of my estate, real and personal.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my sons John Hart and Edward Hart, the Tan
yard and lot that adjoins the same, being the same whereon the Tan yard is
established; supposed to contain an half acre of land, with the
appurtenances to be equally divided between them, to their heirs and assigns
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Hart, one
lot containing one-half acre, lying opposite the Tan yard being a corner lot
on the south side of the street leading to the river immediately from the
Court House; to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item: I give and bequeath my son Edward Hart, the house wherein I now live;
the lot and orchard adjoining; also another lot opposite and below the
orchard whereon the stable now stands; also a tract of land containing 3
acres, adjoining the land of the heirs of Jacob Westfall on the West side,
there adjoining the river - to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Elijah Hart, one tract of land
containing nine acres, whereon the Still House now stands, adjoining the
River. Also part of a tract of land which I purchased from Nicholas Smith,
beginning at a white walnut on the bank of the River, to a corner of said
tract of Thomas Ryans, thence up the river to the mouth of the river, thence
up said old river till opposite a cherry tree in the middle of the field,
thence a straight line by the said cherry tree to a mud bridge on the
Buckhannon Road to the Hill, thence down said road to beginning of said
Also part of a tract of land adjoining: To begin at the lower end, at a corner of both tracts, then thence along the Buckhannon Road up to the mouth of a run, at a little white oak tree thence up the run to the back line, more or less. To him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Hart all the upper end of that tract of land whereon Nicholas Smith, Sr., formerly lived, also the upper end of a tract adjoining said tract, part of the same whereof my son Elijah has the lower end, which upper end is to contain one hundred acres to extend down the road two-thirds of the distance from the upper end to Elijah's corner. To him, his heirs and assigns forever.
The remainder of the said tract to be equally divided between my two sons John and Edward Hart and each to have equal distance on the road, and Edward is to have the lower and adjoining Elijah's part, to them, their heirs and assigns forever.
I give and bequeath unto my three daughters, Susannah, Deborah and Elizabeth, one hundred and fifteen acres adjoining the lands of Jacob Wees St. above on Kings Run, to be equally divided between them, their heirs and assigns forever.
Item: I will that all my personal estate that remains in the hands of my widow at her death or marriage, to be sold at Public auction and to be equally divided between my three sons Edward, Elijah and Joseph Hart, after all lawful demands are paid.
And lastly I do hereby authorize and appoint my beloved wife Nancy Stout, Executor, and Daniel Hart and Jacob Kittle of this my last will and testament, and to have the same duly executed. In testimony whereof I, the said Edward Hart
have here unto set my hand and seal this 12th day of December, 1811.
Abraham Kittle
Daniel O'Brine
Thos. Williams
Probated October, 1812.
Census Records
Series: M252 Roll: 70 Page: 618
Edward Hart 01201 00001
John M Hart 20110 10100
Daniel Hart 10301 22010
All original portions ©
Michael Cooley, -
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